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Editorial Reviews Amazon.com Frodo Gamgee-Gardner was a strong willed hobbit. He was the eldest of his family of thriteen (and some odd) siblings. He grew up in a harsh environment, where his older sister, Elanor and he eventually had to become surrogate parents to the rest of his siblings. At the age of twenty-one, Frodo's father Samwise came out of the proverbial closet, and announced to the family he was homosexual, and left his wife, Rose Cotton to fend for herself and children. She consequently went insane, and burned her family home, and city, to the ground in distraught. This book shows Frodo's triumph in overcoming adversary. It follows his journey's through darkness, and we can see him grow, from a water boy for the Sons of Gondor band, to his highest points, as a Maia, and even temporary King of Gondor! Follow his tragic love with Meriadoc Brandybuck! See Michael J. Fox's unrequited love for him, and finish with the forbidden love between siblings! This is a book not to miss!--Anon O. Mynous New York Times Book Review, C.S. Lewis It behooves us to read, and even reread Frodo's book, and especially the last five chapaters, which describe the transformation that took place in his mind and heart after his break with Merry Brandybuck and the poor treatment of "Gamgee Spawn." --This text refers to the hardback addition of this title. Spotlight Reviews (what's this) Write an online review and share your thoughts with other customers.
10 of 10 people found the following review helpful:
Most Impactful Book I've Read In a Long Time, March 8, 2003
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Incest, huh?, March 15, 2003
I learned much about Frodo that related to myself. Everything from his days a youngster to his days as hip water boy till his days as Frodo "Gardner". The book is very descriptive about Frodo's childhood and his views." This is the story of a hobbit who lived life intensely! You get to know him as a naive boy, a hip tweenager in Hobbiton, a superhero against Denethor and finally, as a homosexual, incestuous, vegetarian activist acutely aware that he is a target, a hobbit who confronts danger in the face without compromise. Its easy to make assumptions of ones life through what is said, but until you read the views of Frodo himself you cant possibly have a full understanding. The parts in the book about Frodo and his trip to Far-Harad should be read by everyone who is interested in the orient time period. He tends to quietly shun the scandals and mishaps of Timulty and Chomsky Sauron. Over all it is a great bout about a great hobbit.
I recommend it to anyone!
--This text refers to the hardcover edition of this title.
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Excellent book!, March 16, 2003
The transformations that take place in Frodo's life are drastic; from "living like an animal; thinking like an animal" to the concientious person he became is a tribute to his beliefs, his intellect and integrity. From what I see, after his experienes with his father leaving, he came to see that all people have good and bad. It is unfortunate that the clever reviewer from Hobbiton did not gain anything from this book other
than an easy target for his sarcastic humor. Perhaps he is a product of his culture and may later learn true brotherhood
from someone as great as Frodo-Gamgee.
Best autobiography ever, March 23, 2003
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