Fushigi Yuugi FanArt

Drawn By: Van Donovan

Here is my Fushigi Yuugi art page. I like Fushigi Yuugi, and I'm told I draw Fushigi Yuugi art good, but for some reason, I haven't drawn alot of it. Ah well. I have two sketchies and a few drawings.
During the months of April & May of 1999 I rewatched all of Fushigi Yuugi, so I expect to be drawing more of the series. I really love it alot, and people are always beginning me to produce more artwork of Amiboshi to compare with that of Suboshi. I will! I'll try! ^^;;

Drawn in 1998-1999.


Suboshi pissed This is actually Suboshi from the cover of the Seiryuu Counter Attack! CD. It's a pen sketch I did in my Japanese class back in August. I also signed it Son Pan -- which is my pen name.

Suboshi & Amiboshi Yeah, the twins are like, two of my favorite Fushigi Yuugi characters. This I sketched in about 5mins on a friend's birthday card. It's colored with marker.

Tasuki Well this is my first attempt ever at drawing Tasuki, and I must say, I don't like it much. Ah well. It's better than the Twin's sketchy prior, so I guess it's okay. (2/2/99)

Soi My first, and probably only, sketch/drawing of Soi. I doodled this on the 2nd [Feb. '99], but sorta touched it up on the 3rd. I don't like her eyebrows. I'm not really fond of Soi anyway. I was just bored and she was on the back of manga #12, so . . . I began doodling . . . o.O;;

Tamahome Doodle Wahahaha! I drew Tamahome! *LOL* This him pissed at being unable to understand Tama-neko. Heh-heh . . .

"Da" Who else but Chichiri?

Amiboshi in ink Solely Amiboshi doodle! These next three sketchies are all older from my Japanese textbook in pen, but I never scanned them. Some reason I didn't gray scale them either, so they're still blue.

Side profile of Tasuki Blue inked Tasuki . . . I'm not sure if the "blob" on his cheek was intially shading, or just . . . a blob.

Nuriko!!! Wow, Nuriko makes his debut on my Fanart pages! Just a doodle though, but he's still pretty. Yay Nuriko!


Hotohori shirtless This is my second Fushigi Yuugi art. The first is too big to scan on my feed-scanner. I like this picture, but his chin is a bit weird.

Suboshi I drew this version of Suboshi from the manga -- it's alright. I think his heads too big and his hair is . . . big. Ah well. This is my third Fushigi Yuugi drawing.

Nakago & Miaka I love this picture of Nakago. ^^;; he's not even one of my favorite characters. This is him peeking in on Miaka when she snuck into his tent to steal back the shinzaho. BTW, these are all manga based and not anime based.

Suboshi and Yui Another manga drawing. This is almost a sketch. I drew this at Disenyland with my friend Beverly.

Amiboshi and Suboshi -- the twins Everything is good in this picture except Amiboshi's hair. It slants. o.O;;;

The Twins -- Sorta . . . Alright, this was inspired by my best friend. It's based off the twins -- and you COULD say the bottom one is Amiboshi with dark hair -- but Suboshi has long black hair that pools about him in this, so . . . *blink* I guess it's Fushigi Yuugi. o.O;;;

Suboshi & his ryuuseisui This is, obviously, another Suboshi [I jes' can't seem to draw Amiboshi!!] piccy. He's got his ryuuseisui spinning around him and generally looks evil. Most everyone I've shown this piccy to likes it. This is from manga #12. ^^ Um . . . it's alright I guess. ~_~

Ai no Kotei "The Love of an Emperor". Nuriko and Hotohori's Wedding. This is a piece I drew solely to try and sell on eBay. I'll put up how much it sold for at a later date. Everyone who likes Fushigi Yuugi likes this image, and people who don't, still like it. ^_^ I like it. It could be better, but its nice enough.

Kaworu, Yaten, Touga, Nuriko and Kris A group picture I did for my friend Michiru. It's her top five favourite anime characters. Forgive the scanline. I scanned on my parents crappy scanner and gave the picture away, so I can't rescan.

Amiboshi x_X I think this is almost a sketch, but ah well. It's manga-ish Amiboshi playing his flute. PRetty icky, but oh well.

Tamahome I actually drew this before the Amiboshi one above, but I gave it away before I had a chance to scan it. Fortunately, Carol, the girl I drew/gave it to, scanned it for me, so I can add it here. It's . . . Tamahome. X_x I hate him but she loves him. Made her happy, I guess. ^^; The weird blackness is a half-ass attempt at a frame. ^^;

Drawn in 1998-1999.


No sketches.


Hotohori and Touga Okay, randomly asked my friend Michi to name two bishounen. She said Hotohori and Touga. ^^;; So I drew this picture. It doesn't look like either of them, since I didn't bother to look at face-images to get porportions right, AND I was using a normal pencil [something I haven't drawn with in literally years] so its sorta sketchy looking. Enjoy. ^^

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Comments, critiques, etc., etc., email me at trowa@trowa.com. Thanks

The artwork on this page is copyright Van Donovan. All the characters and series belong to their respected owners. No infringement is intended.