Unico: Fantastic Adventures

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Waiting is Hard Work!
Source: TV
Layers: 1
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Cel Number: A26
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Original Unmatching Background

Added 4/23/2017
Akuma-kun doesn't know how to deal with feelings, emotions, or friends. After he accidentally forces Unico to fall into the sea, he turns away from responsibility and goes to take a nap, leaving Unico to drown.

He can't sleep, though. He wants to rescue Unico, but he was raised to be evil and not do nice things. Still, it's driving him nuts! If only time would move faster so he could return the horn at the end of the day, as promised. (A devil always keeps his promise.) Here, he's watching the hour glass and urging it to move faster, without luck...

I love Akuma-kun. I couldn't resist this cel of him with his tongue sticking out! I paired it with an unmatching background and a paper pillar I created to give him something to sit on.

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    Previous: Akuma-kun gets a horn Next: Akuma-kun to the rescue    

Curator: justvan
Gallery Created: 10/20/2014
Hits: 20558

Presentation 8.60/10   Collection 8.67/10   Overall 8.64/10   Votes 7 votes
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