History of Trunks: Training Break
Source: TV
Layers: 2
Sketches: 2
Cel Number: A?End, B2
Standard size
Key Cel
End Cel
Original Unmatching Background
Added 12/27/2016
While training Trunks to become Super Saiyajin, Gohan and Trunks take a break and talk about what kind of man Vegeta was. I really love this cel of the two of them sharing a quiet, intimate moment together. The dynamic between them in this special is quite wonderful and since it doesn't exist at all in the regular DBZ timeline I feel like it's even more special. This moment captured here really works for me... Gohan is now the mentor, Trunks is now the eager student, both with the same goal. Gohan is like a surrogate father figure to Trunks in the same way Piccolo was once a surrogate father figure to Gohan. I only wish Future Gohan hadn't been killed, even if that was the catalyst for Trunks to become SSJ.
Regarding the cel itself, one interesting thing to notice is that Gohan's wearing short-sleeves in this sequence, as usual, but the cel has been painted as a long-sleeve piece, so even his elbows are navy blue. This is an error that is preserved even in the broadcasted version. Comparing the cel to the douga it's easy to see where his elbows were meant to be painted the same color as his flesh.
There are actually two separate douga but I have digitally spliced them to show them on the same page due to the limitations of images allowed on Rubberslug. The Gohan douga is an A止End cel, which is pretty special. Trunks is B2, and both are in very good condition.
Unfortunately it didn't come with a background. I have cobbled together the "feel" of the background using two backgrounds to mimic the ocean in the horizon but I would like to eventually purchase a similar looking ocean background to display with this cel.
Merry Christmas 2016 to me. :)
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