[SOLD] History of Trunks: Protector
Source: TV
Layers: 3
Sketches: 2
Cel Number: A2, B1, D1
Standard size
Original Unmatching Background
Added 6/15/2015
Updated 5/1/2020
Excellent condition cel of Trunks pleading with Gohan to go fight the Androids with him. Gohan finally agrees and then, moments later, renders Trunks unconscious in order to protect him. My first SSJ cel.
Two douga, (no Gohan layer), original unmatching BG. Originally I received this cel with a different BG that is actually from this special, but I felt it didn't match the scene as well as the sky BG I have. The BG I received is now paired with my "Trunks Arrives" History of Trunks cel.
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