Unico: Fantastic Adventures

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Unico DVD Hanken Alternate?
Source: Hanken
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Added 11/5/2017
Behold this gorgeous, mysterious Unico cel, won off Mandarake in November of 2017. I knew going in that it was unusual as it has no cel numbering, and no douga. The pose is extremely close to the one that is featured on some of the Japanese DVD covers, so my initial thought is that perhaps it was a rejected hanken for this product. Perhaps someone requested his tail position be moved, and his eyes be looking at the viewer instead? And, in fact, that may be exactly what this cel is, and is why I have it featured in this section.

I can say it's a very high quality piece, with none of the line fading that other cels from these movies have. The lines are dark and vibrant, and may even be hand painted; it's hard to tell. Whether that means it's a fake/reproduction, a more recently produced hanken (I believe the DVD using the similar image came out in 2013), or an old hanken that's been carefully stored, I may never know.

Regardless, it's a gorgeous piece of art, and I'd almost say it's more "on model" than the Unico featured on the DVD cover (though that may simply be because the image on the DVD cover is, for some reason, so low-quality...).

For anyone reading that owns actual hanken (this would be my first, if it is one), do you have any without cel numbering? As I understand it, usually hanken are still labeled with numbers such as A1 End, but since they're not actually used for filming I wonder if any exist without numbering? Especially any hanken that you know were created after 2013?

I may never know the origin of this piece, but I'll keep my eye out for any information I can about it, and if any of you have any suggestions about it, I'm all ears.

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Curator: justvan
Gallery Created: 10/20/2014
Hits: 20558

Presentation 8.60/10   Collection 8.67/10   Overall 8.64/10   Votes 7 votes
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