Nabiki watches over Kuno
Source: Movie
Layers: 4
Sketches: 4
Cel Number: A1, B1, C1, D1
Standard size
Key Cel
End Cel
Original Matching Background
Added 12/23/2015
Updated 2/23/2017
A great four layer Key End cel of Nabiki (and Kuno...) from the second movie Nihao! My Concubine (決戦桃幻郷! 花嫁を奪りもどせ!!) in a costume I've always enjoyed. This has been a wishlist cel for ages, and I'm very stoked to have been able to get my hands on it. In this scene, Kasumi has gone missing and although watching over Kuno, Nabiki encourages everyone to go out searching for her.
The cel has four key cel layers including a matching original background and all four matching douga (mouth and eyes not pictured here). Minor traceline fading, but the cel looks fantastic and isn't stuck to the BG.
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