Chao pesters Granny
Source: Movie
Layers: 1
Sketches: 1
Cel Number: C29
Standard size
Original Unmatching Background
Added 1/14/2017
Updated 1/14/2017
After a night of full rest, Chao wakes up to find that the old woman she thinks is a witch still won't do magic for her. She wants "Granny" to turn her into a human girl, but Granny is just an old lady, and doesn't understand the cat, let alone know how to do magic. Nothing deters Chao, though!
This is a cute little cel that is unfortunately a bit lackluster without a proper background. I found it at a cel store in Tokyo in a miscellaneous bin, as the seller had no idea what it was from. Lucky me, it was very cheap. But it's not terribly much to look at. Perhaps someday I'll get a laser background of Granny doing the laundry to place behind it.
There is a matching douga, however, which makes me very happy. The background is very unmatching, but I felt it needed to be paired with something. Perhaps I'll update it someday later with a grassy background.
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