[NFS] Van & Hitomi Ride Into Fanelia
Source: TV
Layers: 1
No sketches available
Cel Number: AEnd, B1, C3, D1
Oversize, 10.5W x 9H
Key Cel
End Cel
Original Matching Background
Added 5/23/2015
Updated 9/5/2017
Incredible iconic pan cel of Hitomi and Van riding a cart into Fanelia for the first time at the very start of episode 2. Definitely one of those cels you know the scene as soon as it pops up. This was a bidding war win for me off Yahoo Japan and I'm so happy I got it.
Comes with four cel layers and the original matching background, along with a colored-on xerox of the layout. I don't have a scanner, so there is some light-glare on the photo of the cel.
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