Tiny Sitting Unico
Source: Movie
Layers: 1
No sketches available
Cel Number: c36
Standard size
Original Unmatching Background
Added 6/29/2020
This super tiny little cel of Unico was included with one of the recent Torubi cels I got. It's not one I would likely ever go out of my way to buy, but I'm really happy to get it included with another purchase.
This is from the start of the movie, when Unico is lost and lonely, trying to make friends. He comes upon a couple of wild bunnies and happily runs up to them to introduce himself, only to have the bunnies run away without saying hello back. That's why he's sitting so sad and dejected.
I paired this tiny cel with a very small background that I have. In order to make Unico properly "sit" on the ground of this background, I had to position the cel very low, which is why you can see the top of the cel line in the middle of the background. However, I thought pairing it with such a cute, colorful background was a good way to help showcase this tiny cel.
No sketch or background was included, obviously.
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