Ranma 1/2

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Nabiki & Kasumi: Kagayaku Sora to Kimi no Koe OP
Source: OVA
Layers: 1
Sketches: 1
Cel Number: B9
Standard size
Opening Cel

Original Unmatching Background

Added 2/7/2019
Updated 6/30/2020
This great cel of Nabiki and Kasumi wearing two of their rarer outfits comes from the opening music video sequence to OVA ep. 6, "Oh, Cursed Tunnel of Lost Love! Let My Love Be Forever" (Japanese: ああ呪いの破恋洞!我が愛は永遠に). The DoCo group, which Nabiki and Kasumi are a part of, sing the song "The Sparkling Sky & Your Voice" (Japanese: かがやく空ときみの声) and this sequence comes at the very end of the song. All five members of DoCo are singing along, smiling, with Genma and Soun in either side, bouncing along with them, right before the whole scene turns into a beautiful harmony cel. Cels like this really make me wonder where that harmony cel ended up... as well as the layers of the rest of the cast that are missing here. (EDIT: not long after I bought this, the Harmony cel appeared on Mandarake. It sold for ¥100,000. Needless to say, I didn't buy it.)

This layer features just Kasumi and Nabiki right after they look at each other and smile. I absolutely love how cute they are, and the fact that they're wearing fairly unique outfits that only show up a number of other times. At the time of purchase I didn't realize it was an OVA OP cel, so I was very pleasantly surprised when I finally managed to locate the original footage. In the original Japanese OVA release, each OVA had a unique and different opening, but in the US release the latter few OVA episodes all had the same opening used, which made locating this cel even more tricky. Fortunately, YouTube was able to come to my aid! I only wish I could get a better screencap of it.

This cel did not come with a background, but I paired it with an unmatching doorway background I had which nicely frames the two sisters. There is a partial matching douga, though I am not sure what the red circled +ア means.

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Curator: justvan
Gallery Created: 10/20/2014
Hits: 20558

Presentation 8.60/10   Collection 8.67/10   Overall 8.64/10   Votes 7 votes
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