Ryouji Kaji

Kaji is the cool suave playboy like man from the hit popular series Shinseiki Evangelion, or Neon Genesis Evangelion or commonly just known as EVA. My cosplay partner decided she wanted to cosplay Asuka about two weeks before AX and I was itching to try and include myself into that cosplay, since she was also doing (or planning to do) Kuja from FFIX and I didn't have a costume to match that -- so I came up with Kaji! He was deliciously simple to do too, and I think I play him well. Our good friends did Shinji and Misato as well! =D
Reprieved four years later at Ani-Magic 2005 when Michi got a new (cuter!) Asuka costume -- one that she made all by herself. Aren't we cute? KAJI/ASUKA OTP 4 EVER. STFU.

Ani-Magic 2005:

Van as Kaji, Michi as Asuka Van as Kaji, Michi as Asuka Van as Kaji, Michi as Asuka Van as Kaji, Michi as Asuka Van as Kaji, Michi as Asuka


Anime Expo 2001:

Van as Kaji; Michiru as Asuka Van as Kaji; Some really pretty girl as Misato -- who is she?! Van as Kaji; Michiru as Asuka; Albert as Shinji; Stella as Misato

Ryouji Kaji
This is one of the easiest costumes ever, and since I was even recognized it's even better (as compared to an instant costume like Sakura's father). Anyway, I bought the suit at a local thrift shop for $18. The blue dress shirt was and additional $3 and the gun I borrowed from a fellow cosplayer (who brought it for me to use). My hair isn't overly Kaji like, because mine is so long and I don't have bangs, but with Shinji, Asuka and Misato hanging around, people knew who I was. I was very happy. The costume was deliciously comfortable too. A few friends asked who I was, because when you say "Kaji" they don't know who you're talking about, and if you say "Evangelion" they think of everyone BUT Kaji. But that's okay! I really enjoyed this costume. Heh, I wish I had the money to get a wig for it, or at least a short wig I could wear for bangs. Heh. Anyway, it was fun, and I got to snuggle with some cute Misatos. *_*
If you have any pictures of me in this costume, please send them to me! Thanks!!!!!

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