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Ghost Fighter
Source: TV
Layers: 1
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Cel Number: B5
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Added 10/22/2014
Updated 4/9/2017
In ep. 17 Van, Allen, Hitomi and the others finally start to learn all the secrets and how their lives are intertwined--Allen's father knew Hitomi's grandmother, and Van is descended from the Atlanteans... Each have their own revealing back stories. Van's subconsciousness has been whisked away by the power of Atlantis, and while searching for him, Hitomi is able to enter his vision-nightmares. In the dream, Van meets his old mentor Balgus who tries to persuade him to keep fighting with Escaflowne. Van, still traumatized from his encounter with the ghosts of people he's killed, is terrified by the apparitions attacking him, and wildly flails his sword trying to stop them.

This scene has such excellent emotion, and creepy lightning! I would love a few more from this sequence. I love monochrome lighting on cels, and this whole episode is full of them.

No douga, unfortunately. I also need to get an updated picture with a solid black background someday.

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Curator: justvan
Gallery Created: 10/20/2014
Hits: 20558

Presentation 8.60/10   Collection 8.67/10   Overall 8.64/10   Votes 7 votes
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