Source: TV
Layers: 1
Sketches: 1
Cel Number: A2
Standard size
No Background
Added 10/22/2014
Updated 4/8/2017
Here Van is running toward Folken during his stay in Astoria, from ep. 6. This is right before they meet on a bridge and Dildandau fires a liquid metal projectile at Van, almost killing him.
The artwork from this scene is incredible. The artwork in Escaflowne is always beautiful, but some scenes are just so good, and although this seems like such a random scene to be so well animated, the line work here is among the best in my Escaflowne collection. When I first got this cel back in 2001 or so, I literally sat and started at the douga for 30 mins, just drinking in how perfect every stroke was.
I feel like this cel isn't particular powerful to look at on the surface, because it's just a cel of Van running, but because of the quality of the piece, it's one of my favorites in my collection.
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