Unico Falls Into the Basket, Part 1
Source: Movie
Layers: 1
Sketches: 1
Cel Number: C2
Standard size
Key Cel
Original Unmatching Background
Added 6/29/2017
Updated 6/29/2017
As Chao floats along the river her in basket, Unico hears her singing and takes a peek at her from on top of a bridge. When he misjudges his stance, he falls--and lands right in her basket! Chao is not happy to have her tiny home invaded.
I managed to get two cels of this sequence, though both only show Unico from the rump up. Chao makes such hilarious faces, though, doesn't she?
Background is a variety of backgrounds layered together to mimic the feel of the original. This is the C2 layer, which is also a key-cel.
No douga was included, but the C1 key cel douga of Chao's head right before Unico falls into the basket was included, and I've uploaded it with this cel.
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