Magical Chao and a Tiny Witch
Source: Movie
Layers: 2
Sketches: 1
Cel Number: D1, B22
Standard size
Copy Unmatching Background
Added 2/20/2019
Updated 2/20/2019
This is another sort of mixed up cel I got featuring Chao from her fun magical day dream sequence. This one features Chao in her magic hat, holding her wand, jumping from cloud to cloud. You can see there's also a tiny little witch flying past on of the clouds! This tiny little witch cel comes from a few frames later, and in the film this tiny cel is actually almost completely cut off (you can only see the tip of her broom stick and some of the sparkles). I received them paired together and so that's how I'm displaying them. It makes more sense to do so this way anyway, especially because the witch cel is so incredibly tiny... but check out the douga for it! It's a shame I can't get a good screenshot of the witch cel, but it's also kind of neat--because I own this cel you can now actually see this piece of art which was otherwise completely cut off in the film itself!
The screencapture pictured is to match the jumping Chao, since the witch cel is almost entirely off-screen when it's shown. Still, very happy to get some cels from this cute magical daydream session Chao has.
Paired with an unmatching color copy background.
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