Unico: Island of Magic

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Cheri flies on Unico
Source: Movie
Layers: 2
Sketches: 1
Cel Number: A4END, B2
Standard size

End Cel
Original Unmatching Background

Added 2/9/2020
What a great cel of Cheri riding the adult fullsized Unico! I was so excited when this cel popped up on my auction sites. It's such a fantastic shot, and I have longed to have a great one of Cheri on Unico's back.

This scene happens after she, Unico and Marasu have visited the ends of the Earth and discovered what happened to Kurukkuru. They then travel together to the island of people to confront and try and stop him from turning more people into living puppets.

Unfortunately, this cel doesn't contain the cute Marasu layer, nor any background. It did, however, have a really beautiful douga.

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    Previous: Cheri Flies to the Ends of the Earth Next: Cheri, Unico and Marusu Confronted    

Curator: justvan
Gallery Created: 10/20/2014
Hits: 20558

Presentation 8.60/10   Collection 8.67/10   Overall 8.64/10   Votes 7 votes
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