Cheri, Unico and Marusu Confronted
Source: Movie
Layers: 3
No sketches available
Cel Number: A1, B1, C1
Oversize, 10.5W x 9H
Original Matching Background
Added 3/17/2016
Updated 3/18/2016
There is so much to say about this incredible cel! The first thing to notice is the dated autograph by Kazuo Tomizawa, the animation director for this movie. Interestingly, the autograph was signed before the movie was released (16 July 1983), which I find really intriguing! I wish I knew who the cel originally was given to. While the autograph is a really exciting aspect of this cel, it is signed on the Marusu layer, which I find rather unfortunate. However, the oversized cel itself is in excellent condition for its age and the signature does not appear to have bled or damaged the acetate as far as I can tell.
This is my first Unico cel from either movie to come with the original production background, which makes me extremely happy. It includes three layers, but unfortunately no douga or genga.
The sequence this cel appears in is about one hour and eight minutes into the film, when Kukuruku confronts them before the final show down. The cel pans down with a lighting change that explains why my cap has some different colors.
As for acquisition, I'd had my eye on this cel for almost a year, watching it cycle around on YahooJapan for more than I wanted to pay. But, my patience won out, and after a long, long wait I managed to snag it for a price I was more willing to pay. After so long, I could hardly believe I'd won it until it showed up on my door! It's a real beauty in person! I'm so glad in the end that I got to finally take it home! Even with paying less, it's still officially the most I've paid for a single Unico cel.
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