Frightened Unico in the Sewer
Source: Movie
Layers: 1
No sketches available
Cel Number: A?
Standard size
Original Unmatching Background
Added 4/29/2018
My second cel of Unico from the rare pilot episode "Black Cloud, White Feather." This is closer to the start of the episode where Unico is hiding in a sewer, confused and alone, just as he meets his first friend, a rat.
This cel, like most cels I've seen from this special, has been trimmed so the sequence number is lost. I do know it's an A cel and from Cut-19 as those marks survived. You can see that the cel was much bigger initially though based on the fact that there's a rat also in the shot! However, the cel is trimmed to a size that matches most of the other cels I own, and is similar to the Unico cels from other movies I have.
Anyway, I'm very happy to add another Unico cel to my collection from this series. It's rare to find cels of him from this serial at all, let alone ones I can afford! Another thing I only recently noticed is that, in addition to being a darker color (more blue than white), Unico's design also has brown eyes in this special! I don't mind the darker coloring, but I do miss his blue eyes.
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