Unico: Fantastic Adventures

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Akuma-kun Takes the Deal
Source: Movie
Layers: 1
Sketches: 1
Cel Number: A7
Standard size

Original Unmatching Background

Added 6/29/2017
After rejecting Unico's offer of friendship in exchange for his horn, Akuma-kun thinks he's done with the guy. But Unico comes back a little later with a new idea: Akuma-kun can have the horn--but for just one day.

At first Akuma-kun is furious about the idea, but when Unico starts to turn away, Akuma-kun has second thoughts and shakes his head. No, don't go! He'll take one-day deal!

It's a silly scene with a funny head-shaking cel, but also a cute full-body shot of our favorite little devil. I'll take it, too!

Original unmatching background. It also came with a douga that has some considerable wear, and is oddly stained. I think the cel was initially stuck to the douga and where it was stuck didn't yellow whereas the rest of the douga has yellowed with age/improper storage from a previous owner.

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    Previous: Unico Discovers Akuma-kun Next: Akuma-kun contemplating    

Curator: justvan
Gallery Created: 10/20/2014
Hits: 20558

Presentation 8.60/10   Collection 8.67/10   Overall 8.64/10   Votes 7 votes
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