Dragonball Z

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[SOLD] History of Trunks: Agreement
Source: OVA
Layers: 2
Sketches: 2
Cel Number: B14, C14
Standard size

Key Cel
Original Unmatching Background

Added 9/1/2016
Updated 6/22/2021
Gohan visits Trunks at home and after Trunks makes a passionate speech, Gohan agrees to train him to be stronger so they can fight the androids together. I really love this whole scene and hope to get other cels from it in the future. Here, Trunks is wiping his eyes dry because he was passionately crying. Gohan looks to the door as they hear Bulma returning home.

Although both cels are the same sequence number (B14, C14), this exact set up does not exist in the show. By the time Trunks is drying his eyes, Gohan's expression has changed. The screencap is an edit of two images to create the moment in the cel.

Background is an original unmatching background, but I'm quite pleased with how well it frames the moment and captures some of the colors from the original background as well.

Unfortunately, the cel has not been well taken care of. The Gohan douga (a key douga) was once stuck completely to the Gohan layer and took considerable damage to the sketch when it was removed. The Trunks douga (pictured), is great.

However, the Trunks cel is stuck to the Gohan cel, and there was some mosaicing between the layers caused by trapped escaping gases, etc. I've cleared it out as best I can and hopefully will have stopped any issues. However, Trunks' raised arm has had some blue paint "bleed" out of its linework. I'm not sure if this is original paint bleed or has been caused over the years. I cannot tell if the paint is tacky because the layers are stuck together, but I suspect it happened during improper storage.

Either way, even with some of the issues, I am very happy to add this scene to my collection.

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    Previous: [SOLD] History of Trunks: Future Gohan Next: History of Trunks: Drop    

Curator: justvan
Gallery Created: 10/20/2014
Hits: 20558

Presentation 8.60/10   Collection 8.67/10   Overall 8.64/10   Votes 7 votes
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