[SOLD] Vegeta Prince of Saiyajin
Source: TV
Layers: 1
No sketches available
Cel Number: B10
Standard size
Original Unmatching Background
Added 12/19/2015
Updated 1/9/2018
This cel is no longer in my collection.
This amazing Vegeta cel comes from ep. 281 in the Buu Saga. Goku has gone Super Saiyajin 3 in order to fight Buu, and Vegeta steps in to buy him some time. It's missing the Goku A layer, which is ashame, but at the same time it's such a nice cel of Vegeta that it's kind of nice that it isn't being cluttered by Goku.
Matching douga, original unmatching background. Thanks to ColtEastwood for the screencap and scene identification.
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