Winking Nabiki: Mou Nakanaide OP
Source: TV
Layers: 1
No sketches available
Cel Number: A16
Standard size
Opening Cel
Original Matching Background
Added 5/30/2017
Updated 6/30/2020
Sometimes a cel can really surprise you. When I first saw this cel I immediately wanted it because I thought it was a great cel of Nabiki in one of her cuter outfits, winking really enticingly. I didn't have a cel of her in this cute blue and pink heart shirt, so I was pretty excited to see it pop up with what appeared to be a matching background. However, despite the background looking as though it comes from ep. 60, 九能ボー然! 恋の大予言, I was unable to locate the sequence the cel is from. Ep. 60 (78, "Extra, Extra! Kuno & Nabiki: Read All About It!" in the US release) is the episode where Kuno proclaims his love for Nabiki and vows to marry her while having Ranma-chan and Akane as "just" his lovers. So it made sense to me that this cel would be from that episode, as indicated on the background and because it's such a Nabiki centric episode. However, she doesn't wear this outfit in that episode, and I couldn't find a matching shot of the background, either. Turns out, it's NOT from that episode.
Based on the quality and the outfit, I started to suspect it was an OVA cel, but after watching all of the OVAs again looking for it, I was again unable to find it.
In frustration, I left it alone for a while... until February 2018 I decided to look for it again by fast forwarding through the episodes going backward from episode 162 (since I knew she didn't wear the outfit in the earlier seasons). I got to ep. 107 (128 in the US release) and this time as I fast forwarded through the OP song (Don't Cry Anymore / もう泣かないで) I stopped because the cels of the other characters are so nice in this OP sequence I thought I'd pause it and get a screen shot of Nabiki's so I could add it to my wishlist...
Imagine my surprise to see she was wearing the same outfit and MY CEL IS FROM THE OP!! I'm so blown away and floored. I think the background the cel came with really threw me, even though I'd already determined it wasn't a matching one. Anyway, I am so surprised and VERY HAPPY to finally place the location of this cel as well as to find out that it's an OP cel!
I'd love more shots of her in this cute outfit, but I'm absolutely thrilled to discover that this mystery cel is from an opening sequence, meaning it's used in many episodes, from around episode 100-117. And now I finally know what that strange black shape in the lower right is--it's Kodachi's head coming into frame!
Unfortunately, it did not come with a douga.
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