Marasu Watches Unico Depart
Source: Movie
Layers: 1
Sketches: 1
Cel Number: B14
Standard size
Original Unmatching Background
Added 2/9/2020
After discovering the Sphinx isn't around to answer their questions and that the Trojan Horse at the end of the Earth might know the answer, Unico and Cheri part ways with Marasu to start the long journey to the end of the Earth. Marasu thinks these two are crazy and watches them leave across the endless, harsh desert, calling after them to warn them of the dangers ahead.
Of course, a few moments later she chases them down and goes with them, but this is the pivotal moment she turns back toward them. What a great shot of her!
Unfortunately, no Unico or Cheri layers, and no matching background. Originally I thought this scene was when she's talking to them by the fire, so I paired her with a fire-like background. Perhaps someday I'll rephotograph her. It did come with a matching douga.
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