Mahou Tsukai Tai!
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Mahou Tsukai Tai! is something of a sleeper collection for me. I loved the series when it came out, initially for Koyasu Takehito's character Absuratsubo, but later because it's a genuinely touching series. OVA cels are extremely hard to come by, and the TV series was one of the first to ever go digital. As a result, I only have douga/genga in my collection. This helps me focus on buying nicer pieces, at least! But, since the douga/genga are often so affordable, I've sort of accidentally amassed quite a few. This section broke off from my miscellaneous section in July 2020 with the acquisition of two new genga that brought the collection from three up to five.
Aburatsubo is obviously my main collecting interest here, though I would love some nice Akane genga/cels someday.