Harry Potter

I decided to not only go to the third Harry Potter film in costume but I decided to go as non-other than Harry Potter himself. I'm not entirely sure why, as a seventh-year random Gryffindor would have likely made a lot more sense, considering I am way too old to play a thirteen year old boy. Oh well.

Prisoner of Azkaban Premiere:

Van as Harry Potter Van as Harry Potter Van as Harry Potter Van as Harry Potter


Anime Expo 2004:

Harry Potter group Harry Potter group Harry Potter group Harry Potter


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows book premiere:

Me as Harry, Heather as Me as Harry, some guy as Hagrid Me as Harry with book 7 at Dennys

Harry Potter

This costume was very very easy to make, athough it was expensive. It was easy because I bought everything. The only work I actually put into the costume was sewing the Gryffindor patch to the robes. :) I love costumes I can do nothing with and just wear! I got the idea to cosplay Harry after my John Lennon costume. I spent a lot of money getting John's glasses and for Harry I could reuse them! I also wanted to go to the premiere in costume, since I'd gone to the Two Towers premiere as Samwise. So, whichever. I assembled this costume in May. There are tons of people online who make Harry Potter parts -- I got the Robes from Lockhart's Wizarding Robes, the tie from WizardTies.com, the sweater from WizardKnits and the Gryffindor patch from Patch Palace. I bought the wand from Whirl Wood. The ivory shirt and slacks I got from a thrift store and the shoes and socks I already owned. :) The hair is my real hair, omg, and although you can't see it in the pictures, I do have a lightning scar on my forehead, applied with the same brown marker I use for my Kenshin scar. Ahahaha.
I have since pulled this outfit out on occasion for Halloween and Harry Potter events as needed. I wore it to the book premiere for both "Half Blood Prince" and "Deathly Hallows." I entered the costume contest for "Deathly Hallows" and ended up taking first place! My prize was a Barnes & Noble Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows cover art poster signed by the artist Mary GrandPré. :D

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